Services for Older Persons

العناية بالشخص المسن


We provide support and care to elderly people to enable them to live sedentally and in a safe and comfortable environment.

1- People who need our services:

We serve elderly people (60 years and above) and can provide services directly at home or outside.

2- Persons who will provide the service:

We are committed to hiring qualified social workers, they trained to deal with elderly people.

We are also committed to respecting the privacy and human dignity of the beneficiary of the service.

3- Services provided to elderly persons on an as-needed basis

  1. Assistance in daily life: bathing – feeding – mobility;
  2. Home health care: monitoring the health status – administering medicines – taking biometrics;
  3. Help at home: cleaning – cooking – shopping – home management;
  4. Transportation and delivery: escort to medical appointments – social activities;
  5. Psychosocial support: listening;
  6. The provision of escorts of social life;
  7. Outdoor walking and hiking;
  8. Kinesitherapist ;
  9. Administrative accompaniment: for administrative purposes and dealing with institutions and others;
  10. For elderly people with difficult illnesses and conditions, in addition to the services provided above, they may need sitters to take care of them at all times.

4- Terms and requirements for providing the service:

Providing these services requires an initial assessment to determine the needs accurately, we help you assess these needs free of charge and without any obligation. In some cases, a medical diagnosis and prescription may be required.
